Print & Cut Camera (76672)

Print & Cut Camera (76672)

Print & Cut Camera (JC Vision Camera) for the Speedy 300 laser

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The Print & Cut Camera, also known as the JobControl Vision Camera, is a sophisticated accessory designed for the Speedy 300 laser engraving machine. This advanced camera system is tailored to enhance the precision and efficiency of the Speedy 300’s cutting and engraving processes. The camera’s primary function is to accurately align the laser with printed materials, ensuring precise cuts and engravings on pre-printed items. It works by capturing and analyzing registration marks on the material, allowing the laser to precisely follow the contours and details of the design.

This technology is particularly beneficial for complex, detailed projects or when working with materials that have already been printed with designs or patterns. The Print & Cut Camera streamlines the production process, reducing setup time and minimizing material waste. Its integration into the Speedy 300 enhances the machine’s capabilities, making it ideal for applications in signage, prototyping, and personalized items where alignment and accuracy are crucial. The JobControl Vision Camera is a valuable tool for Speedy 300 users looking to combine printing and laser cutting or engraving with high precision and efficiency.

Additional information

Weight1 lbs
Dimensions1 × 1 × 1 in
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