Rotary Attachment w/ Cones – Old Style (10622)

Rotary Attachment w/ Cones – Old Style (10622)

A Rotary Attachment (Old Style) with cones for the Rayjet 300 and Speedy 300 laser to engrave cylindrical objects.

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The Speedy 300 Rotary Attachment with the Cone Style is an advanced accessory designed specifically for the Speedy 300 laser engraving machine. This version of the rotary attachment features cone-style holders, which are ideal for securely and accurately positioning cylindrical objects with varying diameters for engraving. The cones adapt easily to different shapes and sizes, making this attachment particularly effective for engraving tapered items like conical glasses, vases, or bottles that may not be uniformly cylindrical. The precision of the cone style holders ensures that the object is held firmly in place and rotated evenly during the engraving process, resulting in consistent, high-quality engravings. This attachment enhances the versatility of the Speedy 300, allowing users to undertake a wider range of projects with confidence, especially those involving uniquely shaped cylindrical items.

Additional information

Weight1 lbs
Dimensions1 × 1 × 1 in
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