Tables – Honeycomb Table for Vacuum Table 9.4mm Comb Size (130444)

Tables – Honeycomb Table for Vacuum Table 9.4mm Comb Size (130444)

Honeycomb Table for Vacuum Table 9.4mm Comb Size for the SP500 laser

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SKU: 130444 Categories: , Tags: ,


The Honeycomb Table for the Vacuum Table with 9.4mm Comb Size for the SP500 laser is a specialized accessory designed to enhance precision and efficiency in laser processing tasks. Tailored to fit seamlessly with the SP500’s 49 x 28 inch vacuum table, this honeycomb table features a finer 9.4mm comb size, making it ideal for handling smaller or more delicate materials. The smaller comb size offers excellent support, reducing the risk of material warping or movement during engraving or cutting, which is particularly crucial for detailed and intricate work. The integration of this honeycomb table with the vacuum table’s suction capability ensures materials are held firmly in place, providing a stable and flat surface that contributes to clean, precise cuts and engravings. This accessory is essential for SP500 laser users who frequently work with fine, detailed designs or lightweight materials, as it significantly improves the quality and accuracy of their laser processing projects.

Additional information

Weight1 lbs
Dimensions1 × 1 × 1 in
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